Reward points (discontinued)
Rewards program is discontinued due to lack of interest from the community. Info on this page is only for reference purposes.
Buy points
Listing points
Referral points
Buy points
Note: Any inorganic activity like wash trading is easily detectable. Points earned from inorganic activity will be slashed.
Applies to all buys on Pixl including aggregated listings.
Buys of native listings (NFTs listed on Pixl's native marketplace) accrue 100x more points relative to buys of non-native listings
Points are a function of buy price and nativity
Higher the price, higher the points earned (say X)
If it's a native buy, points are 100X
Listing points
Function of time and floor price. Longer the time a listing is active and higher the floor price of the collection, higher the points.
Number of current listings. As well as listings above the floor price will be calculated at a premium.
Referral points
Note: Any inorganic activity - artificially inflating referral points by self referring, signing up with multiple addresses will result in forfeiture of points. Points from inactive addresses will also be slashed. Inactive addresses are those who do not perform any actions on the site like making listings, trades etc. Inactive addresses are easily detectable.
Each address will get a unique referral link once an address has been connected to Pixl.
A referral will apply when someone visits Pixl via a referral link and connects their wallet.
Each direct referral (level 1) will earn you 10000 points.
Each indirect referral at level 2 earns you 10000/2 (=5000) points.
Each indirect referral at level 3 earns you 10000/3 (=3333) points.
And so up to level 100 where a level 100 indirect referral earns you 10000/100 (=100) points.
Airdrop is based on buy volume on OpenSea and Blur between May 14 - Aug 14 2023.
Mint activity during the same time period is also used in calculating the airdrop.
Based on this activity, each wallet falls into one of these tiers:
NGMI (no airdrop)
Last updated